Hi! I'm Katy

Hi!  I’m Katy Graham, your intuitive energy healer, class creator, coach, wisdom keeper and way shower.  I’m the wild woman who works with the energies of the dragons, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, water nymphs, Merlin and other elementals.

I offer on-demand classes for all and private energy healing sessions for those who are ready to deep-dive into their own healing journey.

It is my intention to clear out the root of your traumas so you may be open to healing and choose to live through love instead of pain.

My on-demand classes focus around my ‘quick & dirty’ format.  

The Quick & Dirty format includes:

  1. The questions with you writing out your answers
  2. The repeat after met -- this is where we are granting additional permission to release what is no longer serving
  3. Meditation / Collaborations feature sound healings with Renske Skills

All three parts feature an energy healing happening behind the scenes to cleanse, clear and release all that you are writing out or speaking aloud.

The energy healing works to release the roots and blocks of what you are writing out.  By writing things out you are expressing your permission to release.  By working together, the sessions go deeper than if you were only listening.   By both giving, by writing out your answers, AND receiving the healing, we are able to shift your stagnant energies, obstacles and blocks rapidly.  

The ‘repeat after me’ portion are affirming what you are releasing and what you are opening yourself up to receiving.  There is power behind the words — along with more energy cleaning and healing!

The meditations clear up what any energies ready to be moved and replacing what was released with something beautiful and loving.  **Remember that anytime you are removing energetics within to choose what you would like to replace it with**

These sessions are a great way to affordably move forward on your own healing journey from the comfort of your own pajamas.

My private sessions are for those who are ready to do a deep dive into a transformative session.  My ‘team’ works with your ‘team’ to facilitate the healing around your intentions for our session together.  Together, we identify, release and bring in the healing energy for you to accept, embrace and allow the healing to take place.

I LOVE being of service through:

My own healing journey has been a wild ride full of twists, turns, drops and 'feeling the fear and doing it anyway.' I feel truly blessed to step into the light as my true, authentic self.

I choose to embrace the gifted, mystical, magical, intuitive and WEIRD being that I was Divinely created to be.

While I have held many different titles and roles over my lifetime(s), I currently resonate, honor and embrace the roles of:  way-shower, intuitive energy healer, wild-woman, guide, being of light, earth angel, high priestess, teacher and wisdom keeper.

September 2024 found me FINALLY stepping in to the life of digital nomad exploring place to place while working, playing, adventuring, growing and collecting energy along the way.

The end of 2024 found me leaving my home base of Florida to explore North Carolina and Georgia and then off on an adventure ‘across the pond’ with stops in The Azores, Portugal, Spain and France before landing in the UK.

After a few days exploring Stonehenge, Avebury and the Cotswolds, I found myself driving on the WRONG side of the road for 2 weeks as I meandered by way around Wales on a solo-adventure. …before hopping back on the transatlantic cruise back to the states.

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I LOVE being of service through: