
It is my intention that this site be a source for good.  This site is designed to share how I may be of service to you along with my own story, ahas and parts of my journey.  You are not alone in your walking your spiritual path.  Welcome!



I offer live opportunities for your own healing through my live Classes, 1:1 Private Healing Sessions and my newest offering, the Accelerated Intention Sessions.


Grow through my On-Demand Learning Opportunities including my MasterClass, Transformation Sessions & the crowd favorite *free* recorded class; Transmute the Fear


Go on a journey of Discovery with reading my blogs, listening in to the Pure Awakenings Podcast or joining me on  Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIN & Uptime

My Soul's Mission

My Soul's Mission is to anchor in unconditional love.  My purpose is being a way-shower; guiding those who are ready to embrace and shine this own divine light on their path of healing, remembrance and forgiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

Katy offers classes (live & on-demand), work at your own pace transformation sessions, playbooks and, her favorite, 1:1 healing sessions.  Coming soon:  Women's retreats / girls trips and group travel opportunities. 

How can I book a healing session?

Booking a session is simple. Click here.

What makes Katy unique?

Katy has walked the path before you.  She has spent decades learning, healing and reawakening her own sacred gifts.  It is these sacred gifts that come through in a healing session to provide you exactly what you need, when you need it.  Many are surpirsed by her candor and no-BS approach to speaking about an experience in your life that she would have no prior knowledge about.  It is these insights that allow the fit of healing to flow through her and into you to clear out the obstacles, the pain and the stuck emotions allowing you to move forward with ease, grace, flow and love.  

Katy offers a unique spiritual approach and personalized guidance, serving as a catalyst for rapid change and emotional healing.

“Working with you has been great and it's been such a short time! I am really excited for future sessions and what will follow them! “

K.Z. in Tennessee

Contact us

Questions?  Want to Collaborate?  Reach out.

I do appreciate NOT being 'prospected' through my contact link.  I do not respond to any request that appears to be a sales pitch or a set-up for a sales pitch.  Thank you in advance.  

My Socials

Katy Graham / Pure Awakenings / Everyday Confidence Coaching

Why I am Here

I have been brought to this particular place, time and dimension to be of service to those who are ready to accelerate their own healing and spiritual awakening.

I have walked the path before you and am ready to be your way-shower, guide, teacher, light, confidant and friend.


It is my passion to be the catalyst for change while guiding my clients in achieving their own rapid emotional healing and spiritual growth.

I believe in and tap into the power of the divine to provide expert guidance in unlocking your potential, solving real world problems, breaking through the blocks / barriers / obstacles and peeling back the layers of protection so you may overcome the challenges in your own life to then take the steps to your own dreams come true.

 With years of experience and a holistic, no-BS approach, I provide the tools and strategies necessary for rapid, lasting, positive transformation.